BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Friday, December 8, 1820
BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Friday, December 8, 1820
Archduke Rudolph today performs Mass at the Church of St. Peter and Paul in the Jaktar suburb of Troppau (now Opava), on the northwestern side of the city. According to the Troppau Zeitung of December 11 (quoted in the Wiener Zeitung of December 16), country people from the surrounding area flowed in for the service, while the imperial party made a ceremonial train of horses to Jaktar.

More photos of the Church of St. Peter and Paul can be seen here.
Lest this become Archduke Rudolph 200 Years Ago Today, we observe again that Beethoven, with fewer interruptions thanks to the Archduke’s absence, is able to continue his work on the Agnus Dei of the Missa Solemnis. But the tiny apartment in the Josephstädterstrasse has proved to be impossibly small to live in. He and Oliva are no doubt spending time looking for alternative living space already and probably have been for a while.