BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Friday, October 17, 1823 (very approximately)
Sometime between October 13 and October 27, Beethoven moves from Baden to Vienna with Nephew Karl for the fall and winter, to his new apartment at Landstrasse 323, now Ungargasse 5. The apartment was not expected to be completely vacated until the 13th, although Beethoven may have started moving some of his furniture in from his old apartment over the preceding week. He is certainly back to stay by the 28th, given his discussions with Haslinger and others on that date, as well as the conversation books that resume around the 29th with both of them living in the new apartment. The move is probably accomplished by the 22nd, since Beethoven is in the City to deliver Prince Galitzin’s score of the Missa Solemnis and sign a receipt for the 50 ducat payment. Karl notates on a calendar that the new housekeeper started on October 20, and changes in the hired help often occurred around the time of a move. Beethoven often moved on weekdays rather than weekends, so today, Friday, October 17th seems a very possible (but also very far from certain) date for this move. We also note that Beethoven’s library of music has still not been unpacked as of November 1.

In any event, our very good friend Birthe Kibsgaard has provided the attached photos of the apartment building at Landstrasse 323 where Beethoven moved in around this date. Beethoven’s apartment was on the first floor (second floor American).

The administration of the estate of Franz Zips, Archduke Rudolph’s valet, whom Beethoven knew well, continues in Kremsier in Moravia. Creditors who may have a claim against his estate are instructed to file a claim before the end of November if they wish to be paid out of his estate. Legal notices section of the Intelligenzblatt für Mähren, Brünner Zeitung of today, Nr.286 at 2475.