BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Monday, January 24, 1825
Beethoven writes two columns of numbers, consisting of the numbers 6 and 12.
Karl observes that it has been rainy all day, so the linens will dry slowly.
In the late morning, Nephew Karl notes that Brother Johann has not yet sent his “splendid dish” that he promised yesterday. Perhaps it will come this afternoon.
Later this afternoon, Ludwig is in a coffee house, possibly Neuner’s fashionable place in the Plankengasse, reading newspapers with Johann and Karl. Ludwig makes a note from the Augsburg newspaper that Czar Alexander had presented sculptor Johann von Dannecker (1758-1841) with the Cross of the Order of St. Vladimir for a statue of Christ he had sent to St. Petersburg.
Beethoven also copies down information about a book, Anleitung zur wahren Kenntniss u. zweckmässigen Gehandlung der Bienen [Instructions for the True Knowledge and Appropriate Treatment of Bees, suggesting Beethoven’s longstanding interest in beekeeping has not waned, nor his dreams of a country estate.]
Johann mentions that Ludwig’s attorney, Johann Baptist Bach, needs to be paid, since he certainly needs it. He gave the money to music publisher Sigmund A. Steiner [probably repayment in part of Beethoven’s long-overdue loan] in March, so that’s 9 months ago. Johann remarks that Steiner is getting quite old now. He has lost a great deal by other speculations. He would very much like to have the Quartet, op.127 to publish.
Nothing has come in yet [probably from Schott; Johann may have given Fries a letter for Schott that no longer survives.] In 2 days, Johann will go and ask again. A letter takes 7 days, and the letter had been written 12 days ago. [Implying nothing could be expected as an answer until at least 14 days had elapsed.]
Ignaz Schuppanzigh told Johann that a copyist [possibly Ferdinand Wolanek] is still one of the best. Schuppanzigh also has him copy at his place.
They have young duck for dinner.
Johann makes mention of the second part of the Diabelli Variations, that is, the variations by 50 other composers on the same theme that Beethoven had written his 33 variations, op.120.
Karl takes his turn reading the Augsburg newspaper from January 19, and tells his uncles that France has a national debt of 2 billion and has now added another billion.
Johann makes reference to Ludwig’s joking biography of Tobias Haslinger that was sent to Schott, particularly Ludwig’s description of Haslinger as the apprentice of Johann Fux.
Karl comments that in February, when Uncle Ludwig had written the canon “Bester Herr Graf,” WoO 183, then-unpaid assistant Anton Schindler had ripped it out of Count Moritz Lichnowsky’s hands, and never gave it back. These days, Lichnowsky [who had fallen out of Beethoven’s circle because of the controversy about the May 1824 Akademie concerts] plays billiards with journeymen locksmiths. [Editor Theodore Albrecht suggests that this may be an oblique reference to Lichnowsky being arrested for unpaid debts.] Karl notes Johann hasn’t seen Lichnowsky since then.
Karl asks whether Uncle Ludwig is familiar with Bischof [a drink made of red wine, bitter orange juice and sugar].
Conversation Book 82, 5r-7v; Conversation Book 83, 2v.