BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Monday, May 21, 1821 (approximately)

Beethoven moves temporarily to a country summer home in Döbling, northwest of the City. Exactly when he left his apartment in the City of Vienna is unknown, but he is not there to receive Schlesinger’s package of the proofs of the piano sonata op.109, at least if his letter of June 7 to Schlesinger is to be believed. His residence in Döbling is at An der Winterzeil, at what is now Unterdöbling, 9 Silbergasse. Beethoven will remain here until early September. Several views of the house were done by Gerson Kovács as etchings, one of which can be seen here:

Gerson Kovacs,: Wien, Silbergasse 9, Beethoven-Haus – Farbradierung

The site is lined with three-story buildings today, so it is unclear what Kovács used as a source or reference materials, if any.