BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Monday, May 6, 1822

Artaria & Co., having secured exclusive rights to arrangements of Rossini’s opera Zelmira, announces in tandem with Rossini that they similarly have the rights to Corradino, better known as Matilde di Shabran (1821), on a libretto by Jacopo Ferretti (1784-1852).

The ad contains a statement from Rossini himself, quite similar to that for Zelmira:

“This opera – of which I wrote the newly altered and expanded score specifically for the performance in the Imperial Hoftheater – I have granted the art dealer Artaria and Comp. exclusively and solely, with the right, to publish such both in piano scores and for all other instruments, and to make any arrangement for them; which I hereby report publicly in order to prevent any misunderstandings or accidental encroachments on the publisher’s property.”

“May 1, 1822.
