BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Monday, October 28, 1822
This is the latest possible date that Beethoven departs Baden bei Wien and heads to Vienna for the winter, as discussed in greater detail in our entries for October 11 and October 21, addressing the ambiguous Baden rent records. Since there is discussion with Karl on the 30th or 31st about Beethoven’s trunks, today’s date still seems plausible as opposed to the earlier suggested departure date of October 21. If only Landlord Johann Grundgeyer kept clearer records!
Beethoven seems to be just moving in several days from now. Since Johann had arranged this apartment for him back in July, it’s unclear where he was staying in the meantime if he did leave Baden on October 21. It is possible he went back to Döbling for ten days or so, where it might have been cheaper to live than in Baden. His new apartments are at what was then Oberepfargasse 60 in Windmühle, now 22 Laimbrubengasse. A photo of the building is presented courtesy of our friend Birthe Kibsgaard. A plaque above the door reads, “Ludwig van Beethoven lived in this house from October 1822 until 17 May 1823. Vienna Beethoven Society 1972.”