BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Saturday, July 17, 1824

Beethoven is ready to make his move to Baden today, but there are still some last minute errands to be run and purchases to be made. His list is:

Wine paid at Cux’s, 6 fl.
+Boot polish.
+Barber soap.

At a coffee house while he waits for the coach to Baden, Beethoven reads the newspapers and makes note of a house in the Landstrasse which is being sold in an execution sale. It is appraised for 4000 florins C.M. The second Termin ends July 30, and the final Termin on August 30. After that, if still not redeemed or sold, the house could be sold for less than the appraised value. [Clearly, Beethoven is still harboring thoughts of buying a house rather than moving apartments every few months.]

After he arrives in Baden with housekeeper Barbara Holzmann, Beethoven strolls around and looks at the local posters. He makes note of a few. Vösslauer Garden is open 3 times per week, on Sunday, Monday and Thursday. There is bathing in the Frauenbad for 24 kreutzers C.M. each, presumably for one hour.

Conversation Book 73, 17v-18v. Nephew Karl likely joins his uncle in the evening, as he had planned to do earlier this week.