BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Saturday, October 9, 1824

Today’s Vienna Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung (Nr.81) includes at 321 a flattering announcement that the Schuppanzigh Quartet’s new subscription series of six concerts will be every Sunday afternoon at 4:30, beginning October 17. Subscriptions are available at Steiner & Co. Art and Music for 10 florins W.W. In order to maintain interest, they will be increasing the diversity of compositions beyond the well-known works by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. “But in particular, it can be seen in the quartet, and in this genus of stringed instruments, where each figure, each movement of the harmonies is more clearly visible than in symphonies, overtures, etc. etc., one thinks of an execution that is as perfect as possible, as is certainly the case with the productions of Herr Schuppanzigh.”