BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Sunday, February 22, 1824

The third concert in the fourth subscription series of the Schuppanzigh Quartet is held today, featuring the following works: Quartet #1 by Franz Weiß [the violist in the Schuppanzigh Quartet] in G major; String Trio by Beethoven in E-flat major [op.3]; and a String Quintet by Mozart in G minor [String Quintet Nr.4, K.516]. Vienna Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung Nr.12, March 27, 1824 at 45. The critic for the AMZ noted the following mishap about the Mozart Quintet, “Who miscalculated the division of notes when performing the difficult Adagio, the second viola player, or the other four gentlemen? This writer says quietly to himself, ‘I think the former is the culprit.'”

Beethoven’s String Trio in E-flat, op.3, is here performed by members of the Edinburgh Quartet, in St. Vincent’s Chapel, 2021: