BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Sunday, September 12, 1824
Nephew Karl is still in Baden with Uncle Ludwig, despite their arguments yesterday. He mentions that the temporary maid is still there, and the other one will be coming at 9 o’clock tomorrow.
Karl discusses the options for mid-day dinner:
Beef with sorrel.
Potatoes, fried in grease or with sauce?
Breast of veal, center cut, or baked chicken.
Duckänten. Rohrhühner.
[Editor Theodore Albrecht notes that the lung strudel, the duck and the hen were rare dishes. The Duckente would be the teal duck, while Rohrhühner is a moorhen also known as a Blesshuhn.]
Karl observes that the rabbit they have is very small.
Conversation Book 75, 16v-17r