BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Thursday, August 5, 1824
Today’s entry is provided by guest editor and regular contributor Birthe Kibsgaard.
The Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung of August 5, at 526-27 reports that Antonio Salieri, court Kapellmeister, had been honored and can now live the rest of his life in quiet seclusion secure of keeping his full salary, well-deserved after 54 years of service. [Salieri, who had given Beethoven lessons in Italian vocal writing, died in May 1825, having suffered from dementia for some time]. – Former court Vicekapellmeister Eybler will take over his position.
Beethoven’s friend Ignaz Schuppanzigh has obtained an “Expectanten-Decret” as court kapellis [i.e. a decree securing him the next free position of that kind]. – His concerts in the Prater find little support, because they are too far away, more than an hour from the suburbs. And many people move out into the country during the summer to enjoy nature.