BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Thursday, March 1, 1821
You will recall that Beethoven wrote to Swiss-Italian composer Carlo Soliva on February 9, gratefully accepting the dedication of Soliva’s Grand Trio Concertant for piano, harp and viola. Soliva today responds with a letter from Milan, in French, which was also reproduced in the published version of the Trio Concertant. A translation follows:
To Monsieur Louis Van Beethoven
Famous Music Composer
In accordance with the gracious welcome that you have deigned to give to my request, I have the honor to dedicate this Trio to you, to recommend it to the public under the aegis of a name distinguished by eminent merit. Please accept it as a tribute to the admiration that I share with all of Europe for your extraordinary talents in an art which, like eloquence and poetry, forms the charm of the imagination, and reigns over the world, hearts and minds of men.
I am with the highest consideration, Monsieur, Your devoted Servant
Charles Soliva
Milan, this March 1, 1821
The Trio was accordingly published with Beethoven’s dedication, by Federico Artaria in Milan. Federico’s brother Domenico Artaria of course also published many of Beethoven’s own works. The cover of the publication is attached.