BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Thursday, September 2, 1824 (approximately)
Beethoven probably today writes an errand list while in Baden.
To Brother: fine postal paper.
+Key in Vienna.
+Barber’s razor.
After walking and working, he relaxes in a coffee house and reads yesterday’s Wiener Zeitung. He copies down the statutory price for a pound of beef, being 7 kreuzers C.M. He seems to practice his multiplication and division that Karl has been teaching him, for he nearby computes the cost of 2 pounds and of half a pound of beef. Wiener Zeitung (Nr.201) at 842.
In the Intelligenzblatt supplement to yesterday’s Wiener Zeitung, Beethoven notes a couple of possible apartments, one in the Grosse Schulerstrasse, and one in the Roter Turmstrasse.
Beethoven shops for sugar, and the shopkeeper writes in the different prices for 2 pounds of fine sugar, and 2 pounds of ordinary sugar.
Conversation Book 74, 7v-9r.
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