BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Tuesday, August 10, 1824
Today’s entry is again by guest editor and frequent contributor Birthe Kibsgaard.
In the Theaterzeitung published today at 384, Friedrich August Kanne [editor of the Vienna Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung and Beethoven’s friend] announces that he plans to publish a “Uebersicht vom Zustande der Musik in Wien” (Overview of the State of the Music in Vienna), in which he wants to include all local composers, virtuosos and music teachers. He also wants to include all dilettantes who have felt it as an honor to participate in public concerts and academies – as no city in the world can compete with Vienna in that respect.
Kanne invites all the above-mentioned to hand in information about themselves (name, age, profession, address, works, instruments, etc.) to the Musikalische Zeitung, am Burgplatz, in the Lithographic Institute, No 2 by August 31.