BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Tuesday, June 20, 1820

Conversation Book 14, leaves 52r through 54r

Along with the draft letters to nephew Karl and boarding school operator Blöchlinger, Beethoven also begins a fragmentary letter to his friend Joseph Carl Bernard concerning Karl. He suggests having Blöchlinger bring Karl to Mödling alone, so they can speak freely. As was the case with the other two letters, it is not known whether Beethoven completed these letters or sent them. On July 14, Bernard will himself suggest bringing Karl out to Mödling for a visit.

Health is on Beethoven’s mind today. Amongst the draft letters, Beethoven makes note of advertisements for several books in the Vienna Intelligenzblatt of the day before. These books are The Pharmaceutics, or the Complete and Clear Directions for Providing Necessary Assistance in All Dangerous and Rapid Mortal Diseases upon the Absence of a Physician (Leipzig, 1819); and Makrobiotik, or the Art of Extending Mortal Life (Berlin, 1820).