BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Tuesday, October 11, 1824
Beethoven is in Baden with Nephew Karl today. Ludwig works on a shopping/errand list:
+Soap powder.
+Washing soap.
+In the Josephstadt Overture, from [Beethoven here seems to lose his train of thought and draws a horizontal line and light crosshatching afterwards. See attached detail from Conversation Book 77, 5v. But the Overture meant is plainly The Consecration of the House, which was premiered at that Theater. Editor Theodore Albrecht speculates that he forgot the name of the play, Die Weihe des Hauses. When the work is performed at the Christmas benefit for St. Marx later this year, it just goes by the name Overture in C.]

Karl thinks the wine is better than that from the village of Gainfarn, about 5 miles south of Baden.
He observes that the new apartment in the Johannesgasse needs some work. There are still a number of windows and locks that are damaged and need to be repaired. The landlady will have to take care of that. Uncle Ludwig says they will need to let her know that then, but Karl says he recently said something about that they need to be repaired, and the doors need to be fixed, because otherwise they can’t move in. [This creates a problem. Legally, in Vienna a tenant could hold over two weeks after the end of the lease on September 29, but that time has nearly expired, and they are still occupying the apartment in the Ungargasse.]
Karl wonders what there is for the evening meal. Piano maker Augustin Riedl was really overjoyed about the chickens.
Uncle Ludwig thinks he will take the maid along to the City to help get the old apartment packed up. Karl and housekeeper Barbara Holzmann caution that may be dangerous, because the maid appears to be pregnant. [Beethoven does not appear to go into Vienna, with or without the maid.]
Conversation Book 77, 5v-6v.
Jeremias Bermann again advertises his reprinting of Beethoven’s three piano sonatas op.10 [which had originally been published by Bermann’s father-in-law, Joseph Eder] for 6 florins W.W. in the Wiener Zeitung for today (Nr.234) at 980.