BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Wednesday, November 1, 1820 (approximately)

Beethoven continues unpacking as best he can in the cramped space of his new apartment. While finishing up the autograph of the Benedictus in the mornings, in the afternoons Beethoven turns to the final section, the Agnus Dei and Dona nobis pacem. Things have finally started moving quickly on the Missa Solemnis, and the end may at last be in sight.

In that connection, Beethoven mulls over Bonn publisher Nikolaus Simrock’s offer of 100 friedrichs d’or instead of louis d’or, which is a significant discount due to the exchange rates. Although Oliva has been firm that he is already asking too little for the piece, Beethoven has found no other publisher to be interested. It seems like he has few other options, and he needs the money.