Search by Gardi Number
There are two main ways to search this site: by catalog number, or by instrumentation. If you desire to search by instrumentation, please go to the main Search page. Otherwise, click the link below. When you reach the details page of the piece you want to hear, simply click on the download link; the soundfile should begin playing. If you want to download a soundfile, simply right-click on the download link and save the file where you want it to be saved.
Search by Gardi Number
Gardi Catalog: There are a significant number of compositions which do not have an Opus, WoO, Hess or Biamonti number at all. We are cataloging these compositions and assigning our own number, the Gardi # or GV #, to these compositions. We have been waiting many years, but remain hopeful that a new complete reworking of the existing catalogs may still occur in our lifetimes (even if we have to do it ourselves) since they suffer from a number of serious defects and omissions.