Andantino con sordini and Scherzo sketch for Violin Sonata op. 24, Biamonti 231 (1800)

Andantino con sordini and Scherzo sketch for Violin Sonata op. 24, Biamonti 231 (1800)
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Author: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 0:50
Andantino con sordini and Scherzo sketch for Violin Sonata op. 24, Biamonti 231 (1800) These two brief sketches, catalogued together by Biamonti, are found on page 26 of the Landsberg 7 sketchbook used by Beethoven in 1800 and early 1801. These appear to be ideas for the violin sonata op. 24. The first is marked "Andantino con sordini" (i.e., with mute), in the key of D. The second sketch seems to be an idea for a Scherzo of some kind with an agitated repeated bass in the piano against slowly moving dotted half notes in the violin. The result is not unlike a sailing ship riding calmly over a restless sea.

Opus: 24
Biamonti: 231

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