Rondo Trio in F or D major, Biamonti 234 (1800)
Rondo Trio in F or D major, Biamonti 234 (1800)
Rondo Trio in F or D major, Biamonti 234 (1800)
This charmingly jaunty melody of 17 bars is found in the sketchbook Landsberg 7 on page 170. Biamonti suggests that it may be a sketch for the Violin Sonata op. 24 finale. It's also possibly related to the op. 18 string quartets. The key is indeterminate; it may be in D major or in F. The midi file here presents a cello playing the version in F (in the bass clef), followed by a violin playing it in the key of D.Biamonti: 234
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