Draft in G major, Biamonti 235 (1800)

Draft in G major, Biamonti 235 (1800)
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Author: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 0:12
Draft in G major, Biamonti 235 (1800) Biamonti suggests in his Thematic Catalog that this is a sketch for The Creatures of Prometheus, op. 43, possibly for nr. 5 of that ballet. However, it seems to us more likely a sketch for nr. 13, which ended up as as "grotesque dance" due to its rustic character. This dance is in 2/4, as is this sketch, and while its primary key is in D major, the third solo (just before the Coda) is in G; this may be a likely candidate for what this sketch was intended to represent. A note in the corner states "harp, flute, bassoon, clarinet or oboe, and violoncello." This is consonant with the orchestration of Prometheus, giving an additional clue that the sketch was meant for that work.

Opus: 43
Biamonti: 235

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