Three Fragments in B-flat, 'Les Graces', Biamonti 237 (1800)

Three Fragments in B-flat, 'Les Graces', Biamonti 237 (1800)
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Author: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 0:38
Three Fragments in B-flat, "Les Graces", Biamonti 237 (1800) These three short sketches are found on page 89 of the Landsberg 7 sketchbook. The third is denoted "les graces" and thus seemingly relates to the 7th and 8th movements of the work, where the Three Graces appear. However, none of those is presently in B-flat, so these are most likely only very preliminary ideas that were not pursued further.

Opus: 43
Biamonti: 237

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