Sketches for Finale to op. 43 in E-flat, Biamonti 242 (1800)

Sketches for Finale to op. 43 in E-flat, Biamonti 242 (1800)
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Author: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 0:38
Sketches for Finale to op. 43 in E-flat, Biamonti 242 (1800) These three fragments (the last two of which might conceivably be continuous), are found on pages 129 and 130 of the Landsberg 7 sketchbook used in 1800 and 1801, together with Biamonti 241. The first two fragments are tied together by the broken-fifth motif. The last segment appears to have been an idea for the conclusion of the ballet the Creatures of Promethus op. 43.

Opus: 43
Biamonti: 242

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