Two Fragments in B-flat, Biamonti 248 (1800)

Two Fragments in B-flat, Biamonti 248 (1800)
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Author: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 0:23
Two Fragments in B-flat, Biamonti 248 (1800) These two fragments are found on page 37 of the Landsberg 7 sketchbook. The first, in 6/8 time, bears some minor resemblance to Hess 74 (Biamonti 253), found on page 62 of the same sketchbook. The second sketch is a pianistic figure that runs a mere six bars. There is no indication by Beethoven as to what he intended these to be; most likely they were just random thoughts that he jotted down. The other sketch on the page is for the Rondo of the violin sonata op. 24, but these quite clearly do not seem to be related to that piece.

Biamonti: 248

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