Allegro in A-Flat and A Major, Biamonti 284

Allegro in A-Flat and A Major, Biamonti 284
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Author: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 1:08
Allegro in A-flat and A Major, Biamonti 284 (1793).

The autograph is exceedingly messy, but these two sections appear to fit together in a rondo-like pattern. The A-flat section is 8 bars in length, and is followed by a two part section in A which has 11 and 5 measures each, respectively. The second of these seems to stop suddenly in the score, but probably is meant to continue as with the last six measures of the first section in A; the preceding motifs are identical and the recurrence of that part of the theme would follow naturally. We have so constructed the MIDI here. The beginning of the section in A appears to be marked "No. 90". Beethoven often in his sketches would mark a large number (such as 90 or 100 or 1000) in his sketches to indicate an insertion of some kind, which would be given the same number. However, no other "No. 90" appears on the autograph; if there is more, it has become separated from this section. In any event, this piece makes a delightful little rondo with a flowing perpetual motion feel to it. This piece is on the same grouping of sketch leaves as Hess 60 and 61 and Biamonti 268-283, in the Beethovenhaus in Bonn.

Biamonti: 284

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