Andante Sinfonia in G, Biamonti 291

Andante Sinfonia in G, Biamonti 291
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Author: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 0:28
Andante Sinfonia in G, Biamonti 291 (1802)

This beginning of a slow movement for a symphony appears in the Kessler sketchbook, used between December 1801 and July of 1802, as Beethoven's deafness was reaching the point of despair, resulting in the Heiligenstadt Testament. The beginning figure is scored for horns. This is followed by a tutti section that we have scored for strings. The timing of this Andante causes the possible conjecture that it was an attempt at the slow movement for the Second Symphony, op. 36. No sketches for the second and third movements of the symphony are known to exist.

Biamonti: 291

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