Zur Erde Sank die Ruh' vom Himmel Nieder, sketch for a song (1803) Biamonti 380

Zur Erde Sank die Ruh' vom Himmel Nieder, sketch for a song (1803) Biamonti 380
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Author: Willem
Length: 0:10
Zur Erde Sank die Ruh' vom Himmel Nieder, (1803) Biamonti 380 Highly conjectural completion by Willem
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Author: Willem
Length: 1:34
Sketch "Zur Erde sank die Ruh' von Himmel nieder", in E, Biamonti 380.

This little sketch is only 4 bars long, and is the second entry on the first page of the famous "Eroica" sketchbook (also known as "Landsberg 6"). It therefore dates from 1803.

Apparently it was intended for the setting of an unidentified poem, which has "Zur Erde sank die Ruh' von Himmel nieder" ("From heaven quiet descended upon the earth") as first line. The song was never composed.

Contrary to most other completions on this site, the present completion does in no way attempt to conjecture what Beethoven might have done with this sketch. This is impossible without the complete poem. Rather, it merely aims to provide a satisfactory musical whole, based on the mood suggested by the text as much as by the actual notes. In doing so, it hopes to demonstrate the musical potential of even the smallest of Beethoven's sketches.

Beethoven must have been well aware of these hidden treasures in his sketchbooks. This is probably the main reason why he kept them his whole life, even though they must have been a burden every time he moved.

Completion by Willem. World premiere for the Unheard Beethoven site.

Biamonti: 380

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