Anglaise in G, Biamonti 48, later variant

Anglaise in G, Biamonti 48, later variant
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Author: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 0:30
Anglaise in G minor, Biamonti 48
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Author: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 0:33
Anglaise in G Major, Biamonti 48 (revised variant 1798-1801?)

This short piano draft is found in autograph 28, the Fischhof Miscellany, in the Staatsbibliothk in Berlin. While the Anglaise in G minor/G Biamonti 48 that is found in the Kafka Miscellany in the British Library is melodically complete, it is apparent from this sketch that Beethoven also considered the G major section going off into rather dramatic chords and venturing into more distant keys. This sketch is provided for sake of comparison with Biamonti 48 to see a very clear example of the evolution of Beethoven's ideas. Whether this is earlier or later than the Kafka sketch is somewhat indeterminate, but the Kafka sketch is on a paper type dating from Bonn and the present Fischhof sketch is on paper from Vienna, about 1798-1801. This may well be an instance of Beethoven going back to older material and mining it for ideas for new compositions.

Biamonti: 48

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