Die Zufriedenheit, sketch for a song (1815) Biamonti 632

Die Zufriedenheit, sketch for a song (1815) Biamonti 632
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Author: Willem
Length: 0:25
Die Zufriedenheit, (1815) Biamonti 632, Harmonized by Willem
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Author: Willem
Length: 0:46
Song "Die Zufriedenheit", Biamonti 632.

The sketch for this song is a single melodic line, 12 bars long, and can be found in the Scheide-sketchbook. It follows shortly after a sketch for the Canon "Lerne Schweigen", WoO 168 #1, and it dates therefore probably from January 1816.

The text is the first stanza of "Die Zufriedenheit" ("Contentment") by J.M. Miller. It reads as follows:

Was frag ich nach Geld und Gut,
wenn ich zufrieden bin!
Giebt Gott mir nur gesundes Blut,
so hab ich frohen Sinn
und sing aus dankbaren Gemueth
mein Morgen- und mein Abendlied.

What do I care for money and possession,
when I'm content!
When God gives me good health
then I'm in high spirits,
and sing with thankful heart
my morning- and my evening-song.

The harmonization of the sketch is by Willem. Reproduced here by kind permission of Mr. William Scheide.

Biamonti: 632

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