Duo for Violin and Cello in E-flat (Fragment), Gardi 2 (mp3)

Duo for Violin and Cello in E-flat (Fragment), Gardi 2 (mp3)
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Performer: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 2:51
Duo for Violin and Cello in E-flat (Fragment), Gardi 2
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Author: Willem
Length: 2:32
Duo in E flat for Violin and Violoncello (fragment), Gardi 2 (1790-92?).

This fragment, 49 bars long, can be found in the Kafka-sketchbook in the British Library, and therefore dates from between 1790 and 1800. It is on a paper type which Beethoven used in Bonn during 1790-1792; this dating is further reinforced by the fact that the other side of the paper includes sketches for the bass aria, "Mit Maedeln sich vertragen," WoO 90, which dates from 1791 or 1792.

It appears to be a fair copy, not a sketch, so probably Beethoven did finish this piece, but only the first page has survived. It contains what looks like the exposition of a sonata form, with a second theme starting at bar 18, and ending with a repeat sign at the very end of the page. The character of the music suggests it being a first movement, rather than a finale. The fact that this is a fair copy and the music on the reverse is a sketch would indicate that this was written before WoO 90, and thus probably dates from 1790, 1791 or 1792.

Gardi: 2

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