Die laute Klage, first version of WoO 135, Gardi 27
Dates probably from about 1815. This first version is published by Hess exactly as left by Beethoven: from bar 10 onwards more and more only the pitch of the notes are indicated, their lengths missing; also many accidentals are forgotten. Nevertheless it's not too difficult to guess Beethoven's meaning.
Technically of interest are the modulation in bar 15 to F minor with its deceptive cadence, the swift modulation to the parallel major the next bar on the word "Trost" ("comfort"), and the razor-sharp dissonance of G against A flat in bar 20, which would later occur again in the introduction of the last piano sonata, opus 111.
Turteltaube, du klagest so laut und raubest dem armen seinem einzigen Trost, suessen vergessender Schlaf Turteltaub', ich jammere wie du, und berge jammer Ins verwundete Herz, in die verschlossene Brust. Ach, die hartvertheilende Liebe! Sie gab dir die laute Jammerklage zum Trost mir den verstummenden Sinn. Johann Gottfried Herder
Gardi: 27
WoO: 135