When Far from the Home, First Version of WoO 153 nr. 11, Hess 195 (mp3)

When Far from the Home, First Version of WoO 153 nr. 11, Hess 195 (mp3)
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Performer: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 3:34
When Far from the Home, First Version of WoO 153 nr. 11
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Author: Mark S. Zimmer
Length: 3:32
When Far from the Home, Another Version of WoO 153 nr. 11, Hess 195 (1812).

Beethoven composed two settings for this song at about the same time; he sent them both to Thomson with a note to the effect "I have composed No. 10 of the last ten airs twice. You can insert in your collection whichever of the two pleases you more." We find this version to be just as pleasing as that which found its way into Thomson's publications and the Kinsky/Halm catalog; it certainly stood no lower in Beethoven's estimation than the other version.

Hess: 195

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