Double Fugue in C Major, Hess 243 nr.4 (mp3)

Double Fugue in C Major, Hess 243 nr.4 (mp3)
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Performer: Willem
Length: 1:44
Double Fugue in C Major, Hess 243 Nr.4
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Author: Willem
Length: 1:50
4 part double fugue in C major, Hess 243 nr.4

No.4 from Nottebohm's chapter XI, p.167. First theme is a variant of nr.1 from Albrechtsberger's list, the second theme is Beethoven's. Wow! Beethoven discovers the sound of parallel decimes (=octave + third) here, and falls in love with it. He forgets all the rules: there are no stretto's in this fugue. Albrechtsberger doesn't even bother to correct Beethoven. Parallel decimes would become a characteristic of Beethoven's piano writing. Dates from about 1794-95. The midi scored for trumpet, english horn, french horn & trombone, the mp3 for string quartet.

Hess: 243

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