Bagatelle in C, Hess 73 (mp3)

Bagatelle in C, Hess 73 (mp3)
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Performer: Willem
Length: 0:34
Bagatelle in C, Hess 73
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Author: Willem
Length: 0:21
Bagatelle in C major, Hess 73 (1800). This delightful little piece already points, with its broken chords over two hands, towards Chopin's prelude op.28 nr.1 in the same key. The repeat of the first 8 bars at the end is not indicated in the score.

Published in Hess Supp.Vol.IX, p.22.

The mating dance of the Red-capped Manakin is one of the craziest on the planet. Beethoven's unheard Bagatelle in C, Hess 73, provides a fitting accompaniment !

Hess: 73

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