Scherzo from the Piano Trio op. 1 Nr. 2, for Piano, Hess 98 (Fragment)

Scherzo from the Piano Trio op. 1 Nr. 2, for Piano, Hess 98 (Fragment)
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Author: Willem
Length: 0:48
Scherzo from the Piano Trio op. 1 Nr. 2, for Piano, Hess 98 (Completed)
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Author: Willem
Length: 1:22
Scherzo to Piano Trio op. 1 Nr. 2 for Piano, Hess 98 (fragment, 1794-1799).

This arrangement in piano score is found in the Kafka Miscellany in the British Museum, pages 126r and 126v. We present here both the fragmentary text as it stands in the Kafka Miscellany, and in a version completed by Willem.

Opus: 1
Hess: 98

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