Ich war hier, Doktor!, WoO 190, Riddle Canon solved for four voices

Ich war hier, Doktor!, WoO 190, Riddle Canon solved for four voices
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Author: Willem
Length: 0:28
Riddle Canon "Ich war hier", WoO 190.

In 1825 Beethoven became seriously ill while working on his String Quartet in A minor, opus 132. Eventually he would celebrate his recovery by writing the "Heiliger Dankgesang eines Genesenen an die Gottheit," the slow movement of op.132.

On June 4, 1825, Beethoven visited the house of his doctor, Dr.Braunhofer, who wasn't at home. Beethoven left a note, saying: "Ich war hier, Doktor" ("I was here, doctor"), set to the music of the present canon. The energy and humor of this canon suggests he was already feeling much better.

DG's Complete Beethoven Edition does include this canon, but worked out for only two voices. Willy Hess indicates in his Hess Suppl.Vol.V a solution for four voices, which we present here to you. And doesn't it sound like a full waiting-room urgently crying for the doctor?

WoO: 190

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