BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Wednesday, October 12, 1824

Today’s entry is by guest editor Birthe Kibsgaard. Today’s Wiener Theater Zeitung includes another announcement about the upcoming Schuppanizigh Quartet concerts. “Schuppanzigh’s quartets have always been favored with an excellent reception and were in recent years recognized with distinction by friends and patrons of the art of music. Inspired by …

BEETHOVEN 200 YEARS AGO TODAY: Tuesday, October 5, 1824

Beethoven’s friend Tobias Haslinger comes from Vienna to Baden today. He and visitor from London Johann Andreas Stumpff will walk with Ludwig Nephew Karl into the countryside, possibly towards Vöslau to the southwest, in the direction of Count Moritz Fries’ vineyards. [They instead decide to wander to the Helenental Valley …